St. Thomas Islamic Centre


St. Thomas Islamic Centre

St. Thomas Islamic Centre (STIC) is the first mosque build in the City of St. Thomas, which was opened to the public in February 2021. Originally built in 1877 as an Anglican church, the building was purchased in 2021 to lay the foundation of first Islamic Centre in the City of St. Thomas.


St. Thomas Islamic Centre is open to visitors and offers daily 5 times prayers. We welcome visitors from schools, colleges, universities and other institutions wishing to find out more about the mosque and the Islamic faith for projects and studies…


Property Location

55 Southwick St, St Thomas, ON N5R 3S3

For more information,
please e-mail or call +1-519-207-6563:
Javid Master or Muhammad Mehboob Khan

If you prefer to send your donations via cheque, please make your cheques payable to *St. Thomas Islamic Centre * and mail to the following address:
St. Thomas Islamic Centre
55 Southwick St, St Thomas, ON N5R 3S3


You can also send e-mail money transfer directly to

Charity BN/Registration# 786192062 RR0001